Food SA Summit 2018

Almondco was fortunate to be involved with the 2018 Food South Australia summit at Adelaide Oval. Managing director Brenton Woolston was asked to talk about the Almondco story and how the cooperative has grown to become an important horticultural export business. Other speakers talked about their exporting journey including Nick Makris from Costa Group, Ed Vercoe from Oleapak Olive Oil and Chantale Millard from Maggie Beer. Other topic topics presented on the day included the next big things, packaging and processing, food waste, sugar revolution, and the future of food and drink. Glenn cooper from Coopers Beer and Ulli Spranz from Farm Paris creek also discussed their iconic family business story.
Thanks Food SA and presenters for a very interesting summit!
#foodsasummit #southaustralia #almonds #almondco #adelaideoval #coopers #maggiebeer #costagroup #farmpariscreek @ Adelaide Oval
